Appendix 1 – Measures to mitigate risks on Brighton & Hove beaches


The Seafront Office oversees 13km of Brighton & Hove coastline from Hove Lagoon to Saltdean. The service objective is to safely operate, maintain and develop the Seafront as a key leisure resource for the benefit of residents and visitors. This includes the provision of a seasonal Lifeguard Service, but there are also other tools deployed to protect beachgoers and water users. These are designed to reduce the impact or likelihood of serious incidents occurring and are summarised below.



Brighton & Hove’s beaches


Risk mitigation measures that will be in place on non-lifeguarded beaches include:


1.    Signage - Clear signs positioned in sequence at beach entrances and along the beach tell visitors about hazards, prohibited actions, lifeguard services and local information. Where no lifeguard service is in operation, this will be clearly stated on the entrance signs, as well as distances to the nearest lifeguarded areas. Directional and warning signs will also be placed on the beach, as well as large danger signs during rough sea conditions and on each groyne, warning of the risk of serious injury from jumping or diving. Temporary signs often attract people’s attention more, therefore a mix of fixed and temporary signage will be used.

Example directional sign on the beachfront


2.    Zoning – The use of byelaws to manage people in the water through zoning of craft and bathers will continue. Buoys in the sea will indicate where bathing is advised. Flags will indicate when it is safe to swim and when it is not recommended to enter the water. These will also continue to be used on lifeguarded beaches to advise beachgoers of bathing conditions.


3.    Communications and awareness raising activities – targeted pre-arrival communications and social media messages will run ahead of and throughout the summer season. These will state which beaches have lifeguards stations, warn of specific dangers and emphasise the risks to beach visitors. Communications will also link with and reflect key messages in national water safety campaigns and suicide prevention campaigns.


4.    Public rescue equipment – an audit of the existing location and condition of life rings and emergency communication points will be undertaken and where necessary, equipment upgraded or added, particularly in non-lifeguarded areas.


5.    Emergency action plans - clear procedures for rapid response and accompanying risk assessments identify the key hazards on each beach and set out the actions to be taken in emergency situations. This supports the Seafront Team in making sound decisions about how to deploy lifeguard resources in busy periods and according to risk-levels. Established links with emergency services including the Police, Ambulance Service and Coastguard will ensure that a coordinated response to incidents continues.